Two limited edition works auctioned off at the Explorers Club Annual Dinner in NYC, March 16th 2019, and at the Coral Restoration Foundation Raise the Reef Gala  at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, April 6th, 2019.


In the news

Limited edition print on metal of the Artemis 1 launch was auctioned at the Explorers Club Annual Dinner,  April 2023 in NYC.



The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.  -Jacques Yves Cousteau

One of a kind 7" diameter bell, made from a recycled 50 year old SCUBA tank.  Auctioned at the Explorers Club during Ocean's Week, June 2023.

One of a kind 7" diameter bell, made from a recycled 50 year old SCUBA tank.  Auctioned during the Explorers Club during Ocean's Week, June 2022.

One of a kind 7" diameter bell made from a recycled 50 year old SCUBA tank.  Auctioned during Ocean's Week at the Explorers Club , June 2023.

The last Scorpionfish  limited edition print on metal was auctioned off at the Explorer's Club Annual Dinner Auction, April 2022 in NYC.


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    Hunt for the 

       ORP Orzel